Andromeda Epsilon | Blood Ties
Extinction Agenda
I could hardly be pleased about a won game, the bad news already came, too. I shall write a report on this as I won. And this after almost 90 turns and this at my knowledge of English. (Pick, I should wonder whether I want to win once again.:-) )
Feeling around it now together with few words. My "victory" consisted of many different points. Flops, bad luck and breakdowns on the two sides, from top partners, a good teamwork, an intensive economy development and not last. I would like to come in here but not far on the breakdowns, alone due to the language barrier.
Of course since I played the Crystal for the first time, I fetched myself so much material as possible. It was the quintessence from this that the Crystal simply would have an intensive need for minerals. Well, I kept my chief attention on expansion and the consolidation of the economy. I therefore installed predominantly freighter, Ruby Class and Emerald Class in the change and used her mainly to the removal of the planets. Minerals were in turn it shut the to the building so fast far for ships and of course shown commitment to the building of torpedos. However, my luck was also the race which I played. I had relatively long quiet. It came to grave clashes only as of turn 22.
The "fights" went off after an always similar sample mostly after short time. The "fights" went off after an always similar sample mostly after short time. A smaller minefield put one of my ships to hold the opponent tightly. After this did I take other ships to position and moved wider minefields overlaidly about this to accelerate the Draining. In the same way attacks were blocked. You lets the opponent approach, till you sees shining in the portholes ...
I haven't let myself in for direct fights after possibility. Primarily therefore since I could build only late heavy ships.
My invoice opened. I had about 16.000 Mark 7 and Mark 8 torpedos into turn 85 (was end with 88) on my ships. Minerals lay on the bases which I had built at the front about 90.000 MC and sufficient for another 3.000 pieces.
I think, I by the variety of the minefields almost have for some of my opponents driven which to the despair. The Robotic has primarily been allowed to learn it extremely painfully to the Schluss. (My deep respect in front of Patrick Martin). (I don't know whether I would have held out up to the end in his situation.).
I still would like to thank my opponents and partners. I have studied much in this game. (It is still missing primarily where ... with me)
I was just celebrating my victory in this game as the bad news came in. I shall write a report about how I won. And this after almost 90 turns and with my knowledge of English. (Pick, I wonder whether I want to win once again.J )
Well, there were several factors which led to my victory: top partners, a good teamwork, intensive economic development and, last but not least, bad luck and breakdowns (of the opponents as well as on our side). But, first of all because of the language barrier, I will not talk about breakdowns in this report, so I can concentrate on other aspects.
First of all I tried to collect as much material as possible, because I never played the Crystals before. Further, Crystals in general need lots of minerals. Thus I concentrated on the expansion and consolidation of my economy. I predominantly built Rubys, LDSFs and Emeralds in change, and I used most of them for building up planets. The minerals were turned into new ships and of course into torpedos as fast as possible. I also had luck with my choice of race, it was relatively quiet on my borders for a long time. It was about turn 22 when the first serious confrontation began.
After a short time, the fights themselves always ran after the same scheme. First, one of my ships laid a small minefield to hold the opponent’s ships. After that, some other ships moved to this position and laid big overlaying minefields to accelerate the fuel draining. The same way attacks were blocked. I just let the opponent approach until I saw the red in his eyes.
I tried to avoid direct confrontation with the opponents, first of all because I wasn’t able to build heavy ships for a long time.
This strategy has been very succesfull. I had about 16000 Mark 7 and 8 torpedos on my ships in turn 85 (the final turn was 88). Further I had about 90000 Mcs and minerals enough for additional 3000 torps laying on my bases which I had build near my borders.
I think I drove some of my opponents into desperation with the huge amount of minefields I laid. Especially the Robotic player made extremely painful experiences with them until the end (at this point I want to express my deep respect to Patrick Martin. I don’t know whether I could stay until the end in his position)
I want to thank my opponents and partners. I’ve learned a lot in this game (especially what my weak points are…)
M.R. Renken
Kaum konnte ich mich über ein gewonnenes Spiel freuen kam auch schon die Hiobsbotschaft: Ich solle einen Bericht darüber schreiben wie ich gewann. Und dies nach fast 90 Zügen und dies bei meinen Englischkenntnissen. (Pick, ich sollte mir überlegen ob ich noch einmal gewinnen will. :-) )
Nun, um es mit wenigen Worten zusammen zu fassen. Mein „Sieg" setzte sich aus vielen verschiedenen Punkten zusammen. Aus Spitzenpartnern, einem guten Teamwork, einer intensiven Wirtschaftsentwicklung und nicht zuletzt Pleiten, Pech und Pannen auf beiden Seiten. Auf die Pannen, allein aufgrund der Sprachbarriere, möchte ich hier aber nicht weiter eingehen.
Da ich den Crystal zum ersten Mal spielte, holte ich mir natürlich soviel Material als möglich. Die Quintessenz daraus war, dass der Crystal einfach einen intensiven Bedarf an Mineralien haben würde. Also hielt ich mein Hauptaugenmerk auf Expansion und den Ausbau der Wirtschaft. Daher baute ich überwiegend im Wechsel, LDSF, Ruby Class und Emerald Class und setzte sie vorwiegend zum Ausbau der Planeten ein. Die Mineralien wiederum wurden so schnell es ging zum Bau weiterer Schiffe und natürlich zum Bau von Torpedos eingesetzt. Mein Glück war aber auch die Rasse, die ich spielte. Ich hatte relativ lange Ruhe. Erst ab Zug 22 kam es zu ernsthaften Kampfhandlungen.
Die „Kämpfe" selber liefen nach kurzer Zeit zumeist nach einem immer gleichen Muster ab. Eines meiner Schiffe legte ein kleineres Minenfeld um den Gegner fest zu halten. Danach brachte ich andere Schiffe in Position und legte weitere Minenfelder überlappend darüber um das Leerlaufen zu beschleunigen. Auf die gleiche Art wurden Angriffe abgeblockt. Man lässt den Gegner herankommen, bis man das Leuchten in den Bullaugen sieht...
Auf direkte Kämpfe lies ich mich nach Möglichkeit nicht ein. Vor allem deshalb, da ich erst spät schwere Schiffe bauen konnte.
Meine Rechnung ging auf. In Zug 85 (Ende war mit 88) hatte ich auf meinen Schiffen etwa 16.000 Mark 7 und Mark 8 Torpedos. Auf den Basen, die ich an der Front gebaut hatte, lagen über 90.000 MC und ausreichend Mineralien für weitere 3.000 Stück.
Ich denke, das ich manchen meiner Gegner durch die Vielzahl der Minenfelder fast zur Verzweiflung getrieben habe. Vor allem der Robotic hat es zum Schluss extrem schmerzlich erfahren dürfen. (meine Hochachtung vor Patrick Martin. Ich weiß nicht ob ich an seiner Stelle bis zum Schluss durchgehalten hätte.)
Ich möchte mich noch bei meinen Gegnern und Partnern bedanken. Ich habe viel gelernt in diesem Spiel. (vor allem, wo es bei mir noch fehlt...)
M.R. Renken